Kenley Ho (12) – STAFF REPORTER

If I could travel to any year, I would travel 100 years into the future, to the year 2118.

I have always wondered what life would be like 100 years later. I want to see the technological and scientific advancements. I wonder, will there still be iPhones and Androids?  Will people find a cure for cancer? With all the research and development, maybe there will be flying cars and everyday robots.

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I also wonder if the daily life of a teenager would still be the same. Would they still have to wake up early in the morning and attend school for six hours?  How would schools and classrooms look like? Would people still be enjoying everyday hobbies such as playing soccer, basketball, playing an instrument, or even reading?

The last reason why I would travel 100 years into the future is to see what the food would be and taste like. Would today’s fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s and Tim Horton’s still exist? Even if they didn’t, I would love to try new food from the year 2118.