Soccer Intramurals – The Friendliest Competiton

Cristiana Moldovan (9) | STAFF REPORTER

”Soccer Intramurals are fun and inclusive! Everyone should sign up!” -Rafia Nadeem, Grade 9 SAC Rep

Soccer Intramurals consist of groups of seven people, with each group having at least 2 boys and 2 girls, coming together and competing against each other in a friendly game of soccer. The winners then advance to the next round, and so on until the finals where one of the 16 teams wins the competition.

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The games take place every Tuesday and Thursday after school, starting next week. Signups begin Tuesday in the morning. Be sure you don’t miss this opportunity as it is first come first serve.

Participating in school activities and events is an amazing opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, and new memories. Make sure you don’t miss the signup!