Meet Your Reporter: Faven Tesfamichael

Hi everyone! My name is Faven Tesfamichael, I’m in Grade 10 and I am going to be one of your Entertainment reporters for this year. I love writing and sharing information with people so I am very excited to be writing for the Axiom.

Some activities that I like to do during my (rare) free time consist of reading, watching movies and shows, sketching out some of my fashion ideas, occasionally sewing, unexpectedly diving into topics online, eating, and dreaming about the future. I enjoy absorbing the stories that movies strive to tell, and I love watching character arcs unfold. I also love learning about new topics. I find so many things intriguing, as they provoke me to conduct further research. More importantly, I love sharing what I have learned! I’ve always been interested in fashion and occasionally attempt to make designs of my own. Although my mindset often shifts from optimistic to pessimistic, I constantly think about the future.

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I am absolutely thrilled to be able to be a member of the Axiom this year and I hope that my articles can intrigue, as much as they entertain.