DECA Regionals

Renee Wen (9) | STAFF REPORTER

It’s that time of year again, and no, I am not talking about the upcoming holidays. We are all aware of how COVID-19 has drastically changed how we go about our daily lives. All school clubs and extracurricular activities are all held online, through Zoom or Google Meet. DECA is no exception, and this year, although there was a late start, all of its members trained and worked tirelessly to ensure a good result from their regional competition. As a student who is a part of St. Robert’s DECA chapter, I will be providing you with some insider details on the regionals experience.

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Regionals looked a little different this year, as the event was entirely virtually. The event took place on the 21st and 22nd of November. The first day was designated for roleplays, while the second was for exams. The roleplay process was quite nerve racking, however all roleplays were to be pre-recorded, thus easing the stress. With 60 minutes on the clock, and an unknown roleplay scenario assigned to your event, the pressure was on. The next day wasn’t any better, with only an hour to complete 100 questions. No additional tabs aside from the exam portal were allowed to be opened, otherwise it would lead to immediate submission even if it wasn’t yet completed. Once the exam was written, it would have been an understatement to say that “a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.”

Only a few days ago, the results came back and the majority of the teams and participants had qualified for provincials, 148 students from our DECA chapter in total. It was quite a memorable experience and won’t be forgotten for a long while. Now we must set our focus on the provincial events to come in new year, and we wish all of the students the best of luck!