Meet Your Reporter: Sara Khan

Hi everyone! My name is Sara Khan, and I am a grade nine student at St. Roberts. This year I will be one of the writers for the editorial section of the Axiom. This is my first time writing for a newspaper, and I’m thrilled to be a part of this team! 

Over the course of the past year and a half, I’ve been given the opportunity to discover new hobbies. Unfortunately, I did not take this opportunity and simply stuck with my old ones: writing, swimming, video games, and of course, reading! I’ve loved to immerse myself in stories ever since I was a little kid. If you come up to me, chances are I’m probably reading a book on my phone or staring intensely into space, thinking about what I last read or want to read next. I like to read a variety of genres, but currently Agatha Christie has me hooked onto mystery books.

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It’s been pretty stressful to graduate elementary school and start high school, and the fact that there’s been a pandemic hasn’t really helped. However, I’m glad that I now get the chance to go back to normal, and participate in school properly again. This year, I’m hoping to improve my writing skills and learn more about journalism as a whole. It’s really exciting to get to be a part of this, and I hope to see you soon!