Meet Your Reporter: Victoria Qiu

Hello! My name is Victoria and I’m a Grade 9 Pre-IB student at St. Robert. It’s my highest honour to be able to join a vibrant community of people so dedicated to the school. I have high hopes for the Axiom!

If you happen to see me in the halls, you might see me either listening to music, talking with friends (or to myself, who knows?), doing homework frantically, or desperately trying to get to class on time. My other hobbies include reading, writing short stories, and doodling in the margins of my notebooks or on scrap paper. If you have any writing prompts or book recommendations I should look into, feel free to tell me!

Along with my books and headphones, I am also an avid lover of bubble tea, coffee shops, and polar bears. Love any of them, and you’re automatically cool in my eyes! Some clubs I’m a part of include the Creative Writing, United Book Nerds, and Psychology club, all of which you can often find me in afterschool.

I’m so excited to become a Creative Writing Reporter for this year’s Axiom, and I’m sure this year will be the best yet! Until the next post, see you soon!