Meet Your Reporter: Annabelle Liu

Hey everyone! My name’s Annabelle Liu, and I’m currently a ninth grade pre-IB student. I’m beyond excited to be one of the creative writing reporters this year! 

Honestly speaking, joining the Axiom was the perfect opportunity for me: an organized way to practice writing (procrastination my mortal enemy), a huge step out of my comfort zone, and a means to share my love for writing with others. I’ve been an avid reader since I was barely a child, with that hobby eventually branching off and also morphing into a love for creative writing. That leads to me often being found waxing poetic about the strangest of things, or hysterically sobbing about the newest novel I’ve read. 

While literature has played a major role in my life, I’m still often known in the hallways as “that one girl who dances.” And it’s true—dance, along with visual arts, are some of my greatest joys in life. Ironically, I’m still taking drama as my art elective. A chronic enjoyer of all arts, I suppose. 

Either way, I am absolutely delighted to be writing for the Axiom this year. See you all soon!