Timothy Wu (11) | Staff Reporter
If you’ve ever been at school in December, you’ve definitely seen wreaths decorated with purple and pink candles in every classroom, but have you ever wondered where they come from and why our teachers light them each morning?
Well, the wreath is actually used to celebrate Advent, an annual, 4-week long Catholic tradition to anticipate the arrival, or “advent,” of Jesus Christ, lasting from December 1 to Christmas Eve. The Advent season calls followers of Christ to remember and celebrate his arrival on Earth, and to reflect on his humble birth. Each candle on the wreath represents one of the four weeks of Advent, with each week focusing on a specific spiritual theme: hope, peace, joy, and love. Lighting them each day fosters devotion and serves as a reminder of the increasing light brought into the world by Christ’s coming. Additionally, the practice is often accompanied by prayers, readings, or hymns, which creates opportunity for spiritual reflection.