Social Media: Humanity’s Greatest Attention Sinkhole


The goal of an app such as Instagram is to entertain and entrance. Though motivations may be monetary, the aim is still only to captivate and be loved. Personify it, and it’s actually quite cute.

Instagram and apps such, however, have an issue of not really caring about one’s well-being. A person’s value is exactly proportionate to how much screen time they use, and how much more screen time they could use.

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This is no accident on the part of the media companies. As a business, Instagram, Facebook and such care about delivering the best quality content possible. They don’t, however, care about their users beyond that. As neural networks get better at holding attention for longer periods of time, users must start making decisions as to where their time will be spent. To name a common dilemma: being productive or social media? As social media becomes more intelligent, choosing productivity becomes harder by the day.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with being entertained. It just isn’t always easy to find moderation or make a decision beneficial to the long-term. Social media is just a tool, and one should be careful to never let control escape one’s grasp.