Victoria Qiu (9) | Staff Reporter
Lily fidgeted with the bouquet in her hand, rearranging the flowers until they lay in a perfect harmony of lavender and white roses. Setting it down gently, she wandered to the mirror and checked her dress one last time. Besides the lace front tangling, there was almost nothing to be fixed. Before long, she found herself in front of her best friend’s door.
The moment she stepped in, Alaina wrapped her in a tight hug. Taking a look around, Lily can see her nerves showing. The floor was littered with fabrics and jewelry, her vanity a mess of eyeshadow palettes. Alaina’s eyes looked exhausted, her hair all over the place.
How is even a sleepy, exhausted Alaina so pretty?…
Over the next two hours, Lily slowly helped Alaina with her hair, makeup, and organized the room. Seeing her best friend’s eyes grow wider, her smile bigger, Lily’s stomach fluttered with butterflies. Her face turned hot and her hands shaky, busying herself with the curtain to hide her face. It didn’t help as Alaina sauntered behind her, resting her head on her shoulder. As Alaina’s parents finally arrived, Lily excused herself and gave one more quick hug before going outside.
The bright sun shone in Lily’s eyes as she stood at the edge of the aisle. The flower crown on her head was blown askew by a gust of wind, petals softly scattering on the floor like little snowflakes on a pond. The venue was beautiful, really, but it was nothing like she knew Alaina’s dream venue was. The groom had insisted it was the best choice for the both of them, but did he know she had imagined a seaside wedding with beautiful lavender roses on the sides? Looking up at the wildflowers on the arch, Lily wondered if he had even listened to Alaina.
By now, all of the guests and other bridesmaids had made it. Exchanging a quick smile with her other friends in their purple dresses, Lily was gestured by a worker towards the podium. As the maid of honor, she was instructed to stand right behind the priest. Her bouquet had slumped from the heat, but a slight nudge brought them somewhat back to life. Just a little longer…
As the clock struck 2 pm, she could make out the silhouette of the groom walking up the aisle. He looked fancy, Lily supposed, but nothing of the faraway princes Alaina used to draw in their treehouse. Nothing like the man she thought she would fall in love with. A faint gasp drew the audience’s attention to the entrance again, where the bride-to-be stood with her father.
Oh. My. God.
Alaina looked stunning. Her dress was one that she had dreamt of for years; a beautiful strapless ball gown with the prettiest flowers sewn at the helm. The groom looked as though he was going to melt, staring at Alaina with his mouth hanging open. The pair of them walked up in front of the priest, Alaina grabbing Lily’s hand and holding it throughout the vows she made. The purple bird on her dress matched the white one on Lily’s perfectly.
“As the lovely couple made their final vows, this is the time to object. Speak now, or forever hold your peace.” the priest announced, and a hush fell over the crowd. Lily could feel the words burning in her throat, but she swallowed it down. Alaina looked over with shining eyes one last time before the priest spoke again.
“If there are no objections, then I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal your promises with a kiss.” Alaina’s first kiss with her husband was surrounded by cheers and applause. Through her own clapping, Lily could feel a tear rolling down her cheek.
What did she expect? Alaina deserved a prince, one that would make her happy, safe, loved. She deserved the man of her dreams.
And she was just the best friend.