At the Bus Stop

Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Miriam ducked inside the bus stop, shaking out her umbrella. Droplets of rainwater sprayed onto her black dress and shoes. She had declined the offer to go home with her parents. She understood that they should be together at this time. But right now Miriam wanted to be alone. 

The weather had been dreary all afternoon. They had all brought umbrellas to the funeral. It wasn’t raining exactly, but the streets were foggy with a light mist. Miriam looked out at the empty street. 

The car crash had happened three weeks ago. Nancy had been on her way home. There had been no drunk driving or speeding; just circumstance that had taken Miriam’s sister.

A woman in a black jacket was approaching from the end of the road. She met Miriam’s eyes as she reached the bus stop and spoke, “I thought that maybe there is someone you need to talk to.” 

She reached into her pocket and pulled out something shiny. “This phone can call anyone. Just enter their full name and you will reach them.” 

“Huh-?” Miriam stuttered. 

The woman passed her the phone. It was a very old model, with rows of buttons with numbers. “You are familiar with how old phones work, yes?” 

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“Yes,” Miriam answered. “But why are you giving it to me?“ 

“The phone will know who you mean,” the woman turned to leave. “Remember –  it can contact anyone. Alive or dead. Use it wisely.” 

Miriam watched her walk away, then looked at the phone. Miriam didn’t believe what the woman had said. But what was the harm in trying? 

She entered the letters of her sister’s name into the phone and pressed “call”.

From the phone came the sounds of wind whistling. Miriam could hear creaking and the clatter of metal. 

A voice sounded, clear and bright. “Miriam?” 

A voice that was unmistakably Nancy’s.