A Leap Out of Home

Ahou Naderpour Ardestani (11) | STAFF REPORTER

As a paranoid homebody, I was quick to come up with excuses when my friend Sophie asked me if I wanted to join her family for camping. It’s easy to give people excuses, but fully convincing yourself is a bit trickier. The real reason I immediately dismissed the idea was because my life revolves around schedules and worries and to-do lists and a deep, desperate desire for organization. Two days away from home? Without access to my pantry of food, drawers of clean clothes, and pages of lists? Unimaginable. read more

What Happens Next

Ahou Naderpour Ardestani (11) | STAFF REPORTER

There was a time when trees would grow one of two ways. Some were planted by humans and grew under strong, kind hands, giving them water when there was no rain and getting them all kinds of nutritious soils and fertilizers. Their days were filled with chirping chickens, chatty sheep, and farmers’ songs, and that’s how they learned to talk. Others were born in the wild, breathed in that forest morning on their first day, then had critters dangling from their branches and bugs and larvae crawling up and into them soon as they were thick as a wrist. They were home to the birds, bugs, and beasts and learned their language.  read more