Bring Back Meritocratic Admissions to Specialized Programs

Anya Yang (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Specialized programs admissions are changing more than ever all over the public education system. Dubbed “voluntary program(s) that uses alternative instructional strategies that respond to individual student needs and learning styles”, students who are especially interested in certain topics have the opportunity to receive a more focused education in those areas. In the past admissions have mostly been based on standardized testing, interviews and written applications, but recently they have become “interest-based”, meaning anyone can apply regardless of skill, making it a lottery: anyone can get in, and luck will determine the final decision.  read more

How Does Entertainment Affect People’s Actions?

Anya Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Entertainment can manifest in a variety of ways for the consumption of the people. It ranges from TV shows, movies, stories, and more. It reaches wide audiences, not only by word of mouth, but also by advertisements, and is ever-present in our lives. Yet, we often overlook the impacts of entertainment. We finish the T.V. show Friends, watch the movie Barbie, or read the newest Percy Jackson novel. However, we never fully consider just how much these stories and values may affect our perception of the world, values, thinking, problem solving, and being more open to others. read more

How Do People’s Names Have an Impact on Their Behaviour and Personality?

Anya Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Many different things impact a child’s life growing up. Their upbringing: what kind of parents they had, how they were treated by their peers, what socioeconomic status their household was in, and more. However, one often overlooked impact on a child’s personality or behaviour is their name.  read more

Children Under Age 14… Should They Be Allowed Cellphones?

Anya Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

These days, children are gaining internet access quicker, easier, and earlier than ever before. This has led to worrying questions for parents with children who are “chronically online”: what dangers would the internet pose to their child’s mental and physical well-being? Would it teach them all sorts of terrible things that would be irreversible, and cause them to become dangerous and reckless?  read more

Performative Activism: More Harmful than Beneficial?

Anya Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

From the beginning of time, people have been hopping in on trends just to gain social respect/recognition. We’ve all seen it before. Rainbows in app logos, shirts, pencil cases. Some forms of #BlackoutTuesday. Performative activists don’t understand the purpose of activist trends, and don’t do any actual advocation for intended social change of the movement. Individuals are guilty of it, corporations are guilty as well, and more. read more

Bridging the Gap: Younger + Older Generations

Anya Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Most people living in societies today are experiencing larger and larger gaps between older and younger generations. Typically, older folks complain the younger generation has it easy, with privileges they would have never dreamed of when they were young: technology, more opportunities, access to education, and more. Younger people protest that older folks never had to deal with all the problems they have to today, and conclude that all elderly people are “boomers” and out of touch with reality.  read more

Is Social Media Killing Journalism? Can the Two Coexist?

Anya Yang (10) | Staff Reporter

Scroll through any form of social media, and eventually, the algorithm will direct you to a post regarding current events. Usually, the content of these posts varies: from a celebrity’s upcoming wedding, or the state of foreign affairs in Canada, these messages are not limited in their scope of coverage nor the amount of people they reach. read more