Representation & Diversity Within TV and Movies

Bryan Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER

An actor interprets their role in the same gestures, speech, and body language that bring the character to life. Some of the best actors have mastered this art, being able to switch personalities to match their character almost instantly. However, there are many things that cannot be changed about an actor, such as their race. Many actors have gotten themselves in hot water due to public outrage over the fact that they are playing a role of a character who has a different skin tone.  read more

Are News Reporters Able To Talk Freely?

Bryan Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Over the past month, Fox News, mostly known for right-wing/republican news reports, was ordered to pay $787.5 million dollars to Dominion Voting Systems, those who were in charge of the voting process for the 2020 United States Presidential election. After current President Joe Biden won, many television personalities on Fox News expressed outrage.  read more

Are Teachers Fit To Mark Your Assessments?

Bryan Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Written April 2023

When you get a bad mark, it is common to pin your frustration and anger on your teacher, who graded your assessment. Some may throw the accusation of favouritism and hatred, towards other students, and yourself. If this is true, it may be better to have other educators mark your assessments rather than yourself.  read more

The Fate of Tiktok

Bryan Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER

In recent months, the United States has been advocating a ban on popular social media app Tiktok. Tiktok is a popular social media platform in which users are able to create and share  content, specifically short videos. Tiktok is currently under investigation by the United States Congress because users’ privacy is currently at risk. This compromised data can seriously hurt the security of the United States, and changes need to be made.  read more

Is Big data unethical? Do companies have the right to track customers?

Bryan Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Have you ever searched something up, and seconds later got an advertisement for it? This is not a coincidence but a huge marketing ploy with many ordinary companies involved. These companies collect data to market certain products or services that they know you might be interested in. This is called big data. More recently, it has become ubiquitous due to the paramount rise in social media. Companies do this by looking at a wide range of personal items and collecting valuable information from your search history and your purchase history on your cards, to name a few. read more