Sweetened Teeth

Elizabeth Rossi (11) | STAFF REPORTER

The hallucinations were the same as always. The same three-eyed felines and one too many winged birds slinking between the branches outside her window, singing away. Pollen and dust clouded the creases of her walls and furniture in a hydrodip smog. Her hands wove around the stem of one of the cocooned buds, too young to flower. The plant couldn’t help its innate hunger to spread, seemingly starved and equally as determined to leave no surface within the basement untouched.   read more

Meet Your Reporter: Elizabeth Rossi

Elizabeth Rossi (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I’m currently a grade 11 student! I’m ecstatic to be joining the Axiom this year as both a creative writer and graphic designer. In my free time, the time that I should probably be dedicating towards studying, I love drawing, reading, playing video games, and bothering my rabbit. read more