Food at the Source

Oscar Cheng (9) | Staff Reporter

Written May 2023

Further development in transportation and trade has allowed for growth in our diets. Despite being capable of producing nutritious food locally, importing food from other countries is a natural occurrence. Global diets benefit both consumers and producers in that the consumers satisfy their stomachs while the producers satisfy their wallets. read more

Food Court: A Case of Cereal Arrangement

Oscar Cheng (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Written April 2023

Court is now in session with the latest scoop on cereal. The debate on the order of pouring cereal and milk has been going on for generations, but there’s no clear answer in sight. Today, the accused was said to have been seen pouring the milk before the cereal, their defence statement revolving around the idea that pouring the milk first makes the experience better. After hearing arguments from both sides, the judge turns to the jury for their support. read more

Artistically Academic

Oscar Cheng (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Work, work, and art! In spite of the academic prowess our community demands of every individual, our school also harbours extraordinary artistry; we have many skilled musicians, actors, and visual artists sharing their skills through music ensembles, plays, and murals here at St. Robert. For the school community, expanding and investing in arts programs would benefit many. Just like any other discipline, the arts take time and practice but reward students with countless benefits. read more

Memory 101

Oscar Cheng (9) | Staff Reporter 

Committing knowledge to memory is a crucial part of our lives that allows us to succeed at school or work. In terms of methods, songs and acronyms are some of the most popular ways to remember important information. Although memorizing seems like a daunting task, with the right approach, it can become easy as pie. read more