Rachel Yan (11) | STAFF REPORTER
The lamp cast a warm golden circle of light over the scattered sheets of paper. I tapped my pen on the wooden desk to a slow beat, trying to focus on the calculations before me.
St. Robert CHS Student News
Rachel Yan (11) | STAFF REPORTER
The lamp cast a warm golden circle of light over the scattered sheets of paper. I tapped my pen on the wooden desk to a slow beat, trying to focus on the calculations before me.
Rachel Yan (11) | STAFF REPORTER
Hello, everyone! My name is Rachel Yan. I am a grade 11 IB student, and one of your creative writing reporters. This is my third year writing for the school newspaper. It’s been a pleasure writing for The Axiom, as it helps me organize my writing and allows me to read others’ stories as well.
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
“I think we’re late,” Lisa said to Justin as they stepped into the old chapel.
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
I pulled my jacket tighter as the wind blew. It was late evening already, and I cursed my decision to take the small street that led around the outskirts of town. It was narrow and saw little traffic, with a car rushing by only once in a while at this evening time.
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
I regarded the dark green metal box before me. It stood on its concrete slab base, and reached almost up to my shoulder in height. Stepping closer, I put my hands on the metal knobs of the two doors in its front, and grasped them firmly. I knew that this was dangerous; I had seen the warning signs reading “Do not open” and “Danger: High voltage”, but I had to see for myself. This was forbidden knowledge that I couldn’t resist any longer.
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
Logan and Keig stood on a beach of finely ground black glass shards. The beach gave way to a sea of darkened gasoline that stretched all the way to the horizon, where the black ocean met an acrid red sky.
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
Bettie rested upon the metal bar, looking down at the asphalt far below and listening to the rushing traffic. The darkness obscured her already incorporeal form.
Rachel Yan (10)| STAFF REPORTER
The governor paced across his office. He had just done an interview as part of his campaign to upgrade the district’s electrical sector. When asked about reasons for this redesign, what could he do, but spout the usual lines about supporting the environment?
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
The man had been standing on the side of the road, a barely distinguishable shadow against the night. When Jim had pulled up to the curb, he had gotten into the car silently. He spoke only the name of their destination before they started off. They drove through the city streets without a word, while the man’s black jacket dripped rainwater onto the car mats.
Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER
Chandler sat inside the hidden Ritual Department branch of the airport. Only the higher ups of the airport and its department of magicians had access to it. He was about to refill the materials for his potions in preparation for his next ritual when an assistant rushed in.