The Case for CGI in Filmmaking


CGI, or computer-generated imagery, is one of the most controversial aspects of the current film industry. Several directors, like Christopher Nolan, swear off the technology entirely and believe it to be a crutch. However, the widespread usage of CGI in modern films is undeniable, and will likely increase as the technology only gets better.  read more

Vocaloid and the effects of social media on music


Civilisation’s switch to digital technology has represented one of the greatest technological leaps in human history, comparable to when humanity first decided to pursue agriculture. A result of the current “Information Age” is social media, which has allowed people to connect with each other and form communities through the Internet. Together with the accessibility of computers and digital audio software, it is now easier than ever to create and share information. read more

Social Media and the Future of Cameras


As the photographer Chase Jarvis once said, “the best camera is the one that’s with you.” This phrase has since been used to describe smartphone photography, as the majority of people now carry phones capable of photography wherever they go. Digital camera sales dropped 87% between 2010 and 2020, owing precisely to this fact.  read more

Are Land Acknowledgements a Good Measure for Reconciliation?


Ever since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s final report in 2015, land acknowledgements have become commonplace across Canada. However, while the practice, which originally began in Indigenous communities, has made people more aware of the lands Indigenous peoples used to inhabit, land acknowledgements have received mixed reactions from Indigenous advocates themselves.  read more

Why Nuclear Power is the Answer to Climate Change


On the 26th of April, 1986, the No. 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant suffered an explosion. The accident created a zone that may remain uninhabitable for thousands of years and nearly bankrupted the then-Soviet Union to clean up. It is no wonder, then, that there has been much backlash to the growth of nuclear power since the 1950s. However, the benefits of nuclear power are more important than ever and is a crucial part of the climate solution. read more

Separating Art from the Artist


Written May 2023

The relationship between art and artist has always been fickle. Many artists are critically acclaimed and recognized around the world for their art, while they themselves are detestable people. As an outlet of emotion, art may sometimes bring out the worst in them. However, in a time where every branch of art has its own canons of indisputably great works, and with so many of their artists being terrible people, should art be separated from the artist? read more

Why Apple is a Bad Company

Written May 2023

On January 9, 2007, in a highly anticipated speech at MacWorld, Steve Jobs unveiled his newest product: “iPhone is a revolutionary and magical product that is literally five years ahead of any other mobile phone,” said Jobs. Apple under Steve Jobs changed the world, first during the personal computer revolution and again with the iPhone. However, fast forward to today and Apple’s original vision of innovation and consumer satisfaction is nowhere to be seen. Apple under Tim Cook is nothing more than a money-grubbing shell of its former self, and no sane individual should purchase their products.  read more