The Ethics of Pet Cloning

Sophie Erenberg (11) | STAFF REPORTER 

For dog and cat owners who wish their beloved pets could live forever, the prospect of commercial animal cloning may seem like a dream come true. However, the procedure can cost as much as $50,000 with no guarantee that the cloned pet will bear a resemblance to the original’s behaviour or appearance. Some experts have also raised ethical concerns about this process, and contend that cloning does not provide any medical benefit to the health of a pet or to people. Despite the recent success of this scientific breakthrough, can the cloning of animals for commercial purposes be ethically justified?  read more

Paper vs. Digital Learning — The Classroom Debate

Sophie Erenberg (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Technology in the classroom can be a helpful tool for both students and educators. With the right digital education tools, it has been proven that students are more likely to engage in the learning process, benefit more from individualized instruction, and even increase their productivity to boost academic performance. However, the mainstreaming of digital learning into school curricula worldwide has raised the question of whether educational institutions should continue to use traditional paper materials or replace them entirely with technology. read more

Are Generation Gaps a Problem?

Sophie Erenberg (11) | STAFF REPORTER

In every stage of life, there are varying degrees of generational gaps. Though they are commonly regarded as detrimental to families and society, many note that they may turn out to be beneficial when gaps are bridged. But to what extent are generation gaps harmful or valuable to society given their positive and negative implications? read more

The Issue of Zoos – An Ethical Dilemma

Sophie Erenberg (11) | STAFF REPORTER

A zoo is a place where animals in captivity are displayed to the public for the purpose of research, education, and recreation. While early zoological gardens focused on showcasing as many unique species as possible — often in restrictive and stressful living conditions — modern zoos are presumed to prioritize scientific research and wildlife conservation by breeding endangered species and recreating natural habitats. Though some argue that zoos and aquariums are beneficial for species at risk and provide learning opportunities for visitors, many animal rights advocates believe that the costs of holding wild animals captive outweighs the advantages. read more

GMOs in Food ─ Tasty or Toxic?

Sophie Erenberg (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Many of the plants we consume today are the product of genetic changes that would never occur in nature. In recent years, however, the opposing views on the use of genetically modified crops and organisms have provoked significant controversies surrounding the issue. In today’s society, do the economic benefits of GMOs outweigh the environmental setbacks associated with them?  read more