An Event You Can’t Dodge! Dodgeball Intramurals

Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Want a chance to whack your friends in the head with a dodgeball and no repercussions? Look no further! Our Student Athletic Council is holding our annual dodgeball intramurals with sign ups on Valentines day! A tournament consisting of multiple teams competing to be this year’s dodgeball intramural champions! The best part of all, you get to make your own teams, so grab your buddies and head on over. However there are a few things to keep in mind, each squad has a total of seven players, and must consist of a minimum of two boys and two girls. Each team member must also sign a permission form, which you can find on the SAC board in front of the large gym. Once again, registration takes place on Valentines day, which is friday, february the 14th, make sure to make your way to the front foyer by 8:00 am. Each team must designate a team captain, who will hand in the permission forms, as well as $2 for each participant. There are limited spaces, so ensure you arrive on time, as the vacancies are first come first serve. Once you have secured a spot, look out for posts on the SAC instagram @strobertsac, as they will post the game schedules. The matches will take place in the large gym after school from 3 to 5 pm, with the date to be further determined. That is all for today, good luck dodging, or maybe hurling dodgeballs at your friends. read more

An Enchanted Evening With STUCO! Everything about Semi-Formal

Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

It’s that time of the year again, our school’s annual semi formal! Whether you like to dance, or eat, or both, this is the perfect occasion! As per usual, hosted by our own student council (STUCO), this event will take place on March 6, 2025. As per all semi formal events though, it is exclusive to grade tens and elevens. So sorry grade nines, grade twelves on the other hand get lots of their own special events, so you’re the only ones left out. Although the location of the venue hasn’t been disclosed yet, it will likely remain the same as previous years, the Crystal Fountain. The theme for this year’s semi-formal will be an enchanted evening! Although I have no clue how to dress for that occasion, STUCO’s post incorporates a dimly lit fantasy forest like background, so maybe prepare a fairy costume. Venue tickets have already gone on sale, so make sure to log onto School Day and snatch one for yourself! Semi will take place from 5:30 PM to 10 PM on March 6, 2025, remember to mark that on your calendars. Other than that, more information can be found on STUCO’s Instagram, and I hope you all have an amazing time! read more

The Axiom’s Alter Ego: Rams Media Club

 Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Some might say the Axiom is more of an unusual club, different from the rest. While most clubs dabble in their specialties and mind their own business, we stick our heads in all the events at school. Another aspect specializing us is our club’s public service, while other groups may host school events from time to time, our system is based on dishing out content for readers.  read more

It’s the season of Giving!

Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Everyone knows Christmas is the season of giving, but that doesn’t have to be bound to just your family and friends, donate to those in need as well! This Christmas season, spread the joy by participating in our Chaplaincy council’s Christmas Baskets donation drive. In our continued school efforts to uplift the community and assist the less fortunate, we have another charity event. However, rather than only donating food, this time we will be contributing hygiene products as well.  read more

Illuminating Senior Homes One Letter At A Time

Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Our own Social Justice Council in collaboration with the Senior Smiles Club recently hosted the Sending Sunshine event to support the elderly in our community. This took place on Tuesday, November 19 in the cafeteria after school. The goal of the workshop was to write positive letters of encouragement to eventually be sent to seniors. The Senior Smiles Club has partnered with an elderly home in order to provide for the local community. This was an excellent opportunity for students to accumulate volunteering hours, while creating a positive impact for those who might need it. Many elderly individuals experience lots of emotional distress, whether due to old age, loss of loved ones, or loneliness. Sometimes even just receiving a cheerful, heartfelt letter is all they need. read more

Is the School Catering Here to Provide for us or Make Our Money?

Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Many students rely on cafeteria food every day for various reasons, time, location, enjoyment, laziness. It would be obvious for the school to hire caterers to supply meals at lunchtime, but are they here to earn a profit like restaurants, or hired help to provide nutritious meals? One way to try and determine the answer is through analyzing the prices, but I don’t get to solely decide what is considered expensive or not, so I interviewed some St. Roberts students.  read more