المعاناة الخالدة: Timeless suffering: 永恒的痛苦

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WWII, the worse man-caused event in all of human history…so far. Back then it involved the incarceration of the Jews, a large part of the population of the entirety of the European continent. Today in China, the same incarceration of Muslims mirrors that event greatly. The difference here, however, is that they are a minority.


According to China, due to their ideologies, the practice of religion is strictly forbidden. To them, religion is seen as an illness, where they are now trying to “cure” these people by sending them to these camps. According to an article, {Beijing claims that they are only trying to prevent the emergence of “China’s Syria” or “China’s Libya” in Muslim-majority provinces through an iron-fist of decisive security measures.}

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Their response is nothing short of inaccurate in comparison to the facts presented:

In the northern province of China, many Muslim Chinese are forced to renounce their religion, criticize the religion of their fellow inmates as well as singing Communist Propaganda Songs for hours as a way to bring them into the ” correct ” mindset. Not only that but the fact that they are also forced to consume pork and alcohol as well as reports of death and torture. The U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China described this as ‘the largest incarceration of a minority in the world today’

Image result for chinese muslims ban
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Though inhuman, these are not the only acts that have been taking place in recent years; as Europe is not far behind with its Islamophobic Propaganda & hate crimes.

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US Child Detention Centres or ‘Concentration Camps’?

Yasaman Ravanbakhsh (12) STAFF REPORTER

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America, a nation founded by European settlers has now transformed into a global superpower. The nation that was founded on the notion of immigration has now turned itself into one of the worst places to be; with increased crime rates and the humanitarian crisis going on now, America has decided to step up its game and made the situation exponentially worse. The Trump administration has enacted the ‘family separation policy’ and has forced the separation of parents and children all across the US.

There are many arguments about the idea that the camps are really concentration camps, but one that stands out the most is an argument on the definition of the word ‘concentration camp’. According to an article in QUARTZ by  Annalisa Merelli, it can’t be

Related imageconsidered a concentration camp due to the fact that the children are still living good healthy lives. Concentration camps predate the mid 20th century Nazi Germany regime, and these camps are defined as: “a place for mass detention of civilians without a trial, usually on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political affiliation”

Poland Vs. Russia: What Really Happened in 2010?

Back in 2010, there were reports of the death of the Polish President’s death by a plane crash in Russia. The incident was, according to Polish Persecutors, ‘ Was caused by two Russian air traffic controllers and a third Russian official in the control tower and that through their contributions were what caused the accidents’. A bold claim on their part, however if not backed up by further investigation and analysis in 2017.

Russian President Vladimir Putin immediately rejected the claims; but unfortunately worsen the ties between Poland and Russia. Polish investigators mentioned ‘ they want to question the men and cannot reveal details about the evidence until it happens.’

According to news reporters, the disaster happened when the Polish crew tired to land in heavy fog in a rarely used airport in Russia. Unfortunately,the plane crashed on a tree during it’s approach to the runway and crashed.

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

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