Automation and Loss of Jobs

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Robots in science fiction movies are often portrayed as evil machines, who aspire to take over the planet, and in many ways, this science fiction is now a reality. As the globe is slowly progressing into what is known as “the fourth industrial revolution”, robots are slowly taking over more and more jobs. As you may already know, recent innovations in technology have led to things such as self driving cars and automated bank tellers. 

All of these factors have caused mayhem towards the people whose jobs are on the line. As always, there are two sides to the story. By introducing automation, many jobs can become more efficient, as the machines do not make mistakes or require lunch breaks or rest. At the same time, this also means the loss of millions of jobs around the globe, whether this includes taxi drivers, McDonald’s workers, or bank tellers. Many of these workers are thrown into a financial crisis, especially those without higher-level education or those in impoverished living conditions. 

Although no solution has been put in place, many suggestions have been contributed towards solving this problem. Some suggest a mandatory early notification for workers so that they have time to find a new job or creating more education opportunities  so that the less fortunate can climb out of the job replacement sinkhole and potentially obtain jobs that require humans such as acting as a therapist or working in healthcare. In the end, there are both benefits and drawbacks to the progression of automation in our society. The key lies in finding balance between a potential  robotic threat and a possible mutual relationship. 

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