Category: Editorials
A Necessity in the Workforce: Computer Technology

In a world where jobs requiring technology are growing, the importance of learning the basics of technology increases. School seems to emphasize the need for organization, time management, and initiative, yet computer technology only an optional course. It is difficult to find a job where technology is unnecessary. No matter which field you work in, you will always see computers, phones, or another form of technology. Without it, the result would simply be a place without communication, organization, and efficiency. These drugs visit description viagra 100mg sales are made up of the Chemical called as Sildenafil Citrate. Therefore, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then take a step to meet your family doctor or a spesamples viagra cialis appalachianmagazine.comt one as this is the most suitable way to deal with “nervous” issues. It order 50mg viagra is important for talking openly with the partner. The engaging curriculum is identical to what we teach in our purchase viagra online classrooms and it will save your time and energy. Thus, we should all understand the importance of learning about technological advancement and the correct way to use it. Similar to the arts and physical education courses, learning the basics of technology should be a mandatory course itself. It should also be a course where students can learn how technology influences us, and the world around us. With a good understanding of technology, students will be more prepared for the real world, opening countless opportunities for themselves in the workforce.
Welcome to Canada!

Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party of Canada promise to welcome as many refugees to the country as they see fit. It is often easy to forget how privileged we are, as Canadians, to live in such a safe and free country. The Liberal party aims to bestow these privileges to Syrian refugees as new Canadians.
Starbucks Red Cup Debate

Starting early in November, stores transformed into holiday spectaculars. Trees appear decorated in many glitters and colours, Michael Bublè was heard almost everywhere, and an enchanted winter throne was set up in every mall awaiting Santa Claus. Communities and businesses show their holiday spirit by adopting holiday decorations and playing Christmas music. However, in today’s continuously growing secular society, should businesses continue to promote the holidays?
The Risk of Making Remembrance Day A Statuary Holiday

As a Canadian generation fortunate enough to never have experienced the trauma of war, and with our last connections of the world war fleeting; it is more important than ever to ensure Canadian students are receiving proper education regarding the millions of brave Canadian men and women who have served our country.
The Forgotten Genocide

An Essay by Christine Wallenburg (12)
The world has faced countless slaughters and brutal killings that many people do not know about. One of these is the mass killing of the Armenian people in 1915. During World War I, the Young Turks political movement tried to eliminate Armenians from the Ottoman Empire. Turkey and many other countries around the world refuse to accept that any killings took place, even with the countless first-hand stories and evidence pointing towards genocide. The 1915 massacre of 1.5 million Armenian people was brutal, and should be accepted universally as Genocide, especially by Turkey.
A Win for the Liberals is a Win for Students

After a painfully long 10 years of Stephen Harper as Prime Minister, we finally see the change many have dreamed of, in the form of Justin Trudeau. As a young person, in Canada, I find myself wondering how I could possibly one day start my own life when I know that Canada is known for its large student debts and high competition for favorable jobs. However, after knowing Justin Trudeau and his Liberals are in power, many of my doubts have started to dissolve.
Liberals Expanding Canadian Culture
Is there such thing as Canadian Culture? This was a question I came across in Grade 10 Canadian History class, while learning about urbanization. This question surprised me. In fact, it angered me. As a patriotic Canadian and a fan of Canadian Arts, I did not understand how we could possibly lack culture. Quite simply, we don’t. However, Canadian Culture is often overlooked and under appreciated. Under Stephen Harper’s Conservative government, Canadian Culture underwent various cuts, but Justin Trudeau promises new change to turn that around.
Let’s Talk Litter

A solution to litter has always been a strong and insightful topic to talk about. People grumble about the money they need to spend on changing their garbage bins since they have become a hub for animals and bugs, especially raccoons and roaches, upon which to infest. These thoughts could have been taken care of earlier had we been slightly more considerate about the amount of litter that was being disposed of.
Do Students Stress Too Much?

When exam week ended, many students probably took a breath of fresh air, saying, “Wow, it’s finally over.” This was my first time writing an exam and let me tell you, the scene is not pretty: kids with abnormally dark eye circles, stressed faces, and the sweat of anxiety are everywhere. I clearly remember someone in the halls screaming, “Oh no, I failed. My life is over.” It struck me: are kids really that concerned over their exam results? Why?