Guns: A Tool Not Worth Keeping Around

Ethan Xu (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Since 2013, the number of gun-related crimes has jumped by almost 42%. In 2017, there were a grand total of 7700 victims involved in firearm-related crimes. In 2018, Toronto alone had 428 shooting incidents, amounting to nearly two and a half times the number of incidents in 2014. Obviously, this is a very negative and alarming trend, and the solution seems to be simple: get rid of all guns. The problem, however, is that criminals don’t follow the law, and if we take away guns from civilians we are simply making it easier for criminals. read more

Why Students Choose To Study Abroad


In an increasingly interconnected world, anyone can hop on the internet and transport themselves to another country. Still, there are many benefits to getting up and moving to another country, both pragmatic and idealistic, and more and more individuals are choosing to as expats, digital nomads and international students.  read more

The Overlooked Language: American Sign Language

Serena Ahmad (9) | STAFF REPORTER

American Sign Language, ASL, is a common language used for deaf communities throughout the United States and Canada. However, this language is often only used by deaf people or people who require communication with someone who is deaf such as a family member. This generally creates a misconception that ASL should only be used for certain groups, making it difficult for deaf people to communicate with others beyond their hearing group. Thus, ASL classes should be offered in school to increase its recognition. read more

A Dose of Reality: The Negative Effects of Drug Legalization


In recent years, many countries have jumped on the trend of decriminalizing or legalizing certain drugs. While there are benefits that come with legalizing these substances, the impacts of such a change only prove that all addictive drugs should be banned from the public. read more

Projects: Because Real Life Doesn’t Have Multiple Choice Questions

Ethan Xu (10) | STAFF REPORTER

The education system is arguably one of the most important foundations of a country. As students, we’re all familiar with it as well. We’re told that education is there to teach, nurture, and even educate. To achieve this, the system uses assessments, which can most notably be categorized into two groups: projects and tests.  read more

Is It Our Actions or Our Words That Define Who We Are?

Angela Xiao (9) | STAFF REPORTER

In the passage of life, we seek happiness and opportunities, hoping for success, yet when we face our evitable death, we are left wondering about the choices which we made in our lives. Was what I did for the greater cause, or was it simply for my own greed? This pondering fills our heads with countless questions and regrets but still, mankind chases after the simple riches and power that we so desire.  read more

The Fabric of Our Beings; Nature Vs. Nurture

Sarah Morra (11) | STAFF REPORTER

From the earth we grow, naturally, we have always had basic instincts. Our understanding of natural predators, basic survival skills, and trauma responses are composite in a typical homo sapien. However, the reason behind our habits and behaviours in which we have come to develop within our civilised society are up for debate.  read more

The People’s Party; But for Which People?

Sarah Morra (11) | STAFF REPORTER

The People’s Party of canada, A former branch of the conservative party of Canada which claims to be a party who is for the people, a political representative of the needs of Canadians. However, this party proceeds to exclude group after group and express slanderous exclamations – which would make anyone of sound mind question, which people are they truly for?  read more

Why Direct Democracy Falls Short in Canada


While people often praise direct democracy for empowering citizens, it is not a system that can be implemented just anywhere. Direct democracy when applied to the country of Canada paints a more nuanced picture. There are a plethora of flaws in direct democracy and complexities in Canadian society that makes this system less effective. read more