Arts Week at STR


During the week of February 13th to February 17th, 2017, St.Robert Catholic high school held the annual Arts Week event. Thanks goes out to Arts Council for planning this spectacular week and introducing different strands of the arts, such as Photography and Music, to the students. read more

St Robert’s Music Department Performs at the Christmas Concert

Eirini Abadeer                                                                                                                                                                                           (STAFF REPORTER) read more

Ode to Mother Earth

This year, St. Robert’s Environmental Club promoted environmental sustainability by hosting various activities during Earth Week, April 18-22. Activities such as the YCDSB Rock the Bike, GO GREEN Water Bottle Art, a Lights Out campaign, and a school grounds ‘clean-up’ session which yielded 82kg. of garbage was participated by all students around the school.  read more

Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Love …countless songs, books, and poems have been written on the subject.  It is the one emotion that can make you feel elated or it can catapult you into the depths of despair.  Love is a deep feeling of personal attachment to another – ‘personal’ being the operative word.   So why do we let a 5th Century Roman ritual such as Valentine’s Day dictate how or when we should demonstrate our love for one another? read more