Timothy Wu (11) | Staff Reporter
All students in Ontario are required to take standardized tests administered by the EQAO, but what purpose do these assessments really serve?
St. Robert CHS Student News
Timothy Wu (11) | Staff Reporter
All students in Ontario are required to take standardized tests administered by the EQAO, but what purpose do these assessments really serve?
Timothy Wu (11) | Staff Reporter
If you’ve ever been at school in December, you’ve definitely seen wreaths decorated with purple and pink candles in every classroom, but have you ever wondered where they come from and why our teachers light them each morning?
Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER
Some might say the Axiom is more of an unusual club, different from the rest. While most clubs dabble in their specialties and mind their own business, we stick our heads in all the events at school. Another aspect specializing us is our club’s public service, while other groups may host school events from time to time, our system is based on dishing out content for readers.
Caitlyn Kerr (9) | STAFF REPORTER
Winter break is finally here! If I said I wasn’t waiting for these two weeks to occur, I would be lying. Winter break is a great time to take a rest from school, homework and other activities. Also, with so much free time, you are able to spend much more time with family and friends. This two week break is a great opportunity to sleep in and get the extra rest that you deserve. I know all of you are working very hard which is why this break is so important for you to do only one thing; relax. Though if you are in the mood, beginning to study for exams is a great thing to do when you have so much free time.
Lancy Wang (9) | STAFF REPORTER
The Rams Media Club worked behind the scenes to film and document this year’s Christmas Talent Show, ensuring every performance was beautifully captured.
Ziyou Li (10) | STAFF REPORTER
On December 20th, Room 139 was turned into a holiday wonderland as Cafe Club and GRL PWR presented the much anticipated Gingerbread Architecture Competition. The event brought together talented individuals who created and built beautiful gingerbread houses, each of them stunning in their own way. Participants showed off their abilities in everything from delicate icing details to creative structural designs, transforming sweet delights into architectural wonders.
Aaliyah Zhou (9) | Staff Reporter
On December 19th, students spent the afternoon at R.J. Clatworthy Arena, where they watched a thrilling game between STR’s varsity boys’ hockey team and the teachers and alumni team. In addition to organising this buyout, the Student Athletic Council (SAC) held a free skate following the match.
In preparation for the holidays, St. Robert students hosted a series of festive events throughout the month of December. Here’s a quick rundown of a few of them!
Lancy Wang (9) | STAFF REPORTER
Do you love learning about history, or maybe you just want a fun way to hang out with friends? Our school’s History Club is a small but no less beloved one, and it’s the perfect place to explore stories from the past and have a great time with people who share the same interests as you.
Aaliyah Zhou (9) | STAFF REPORTER
STR’s Environmental Council is back with its 12 days of Eco event!