Passion steals the show in debate. This show can be seen in room 219, starring passionate debaters who discuss both controversial and important topics.
There are three types of debate offered at St. Robert: Pro-Con, Parliamentary, and Model United Nations (UN).
In Pro-Con debate, there are teams of four debaters with two students representing each side of a topic given weeks ahead of time. The pro and con debate students work together to accumulate the most points for their side, and on the day of the tournament, the students face off against other schools around Toronto.“I believe this opportunity will further my presentation skills and my ability to think on my feet,” says Jessie M. (10).
Student delivering a speech in Pro-Con debate
Parliamentary debate follows the rules and format of the British Parliament. Debaters represent either the House or Opposition and unlike Pro-Con, they receive their topics during the tournament. Debaters are given only 15 minutes after hearing the topic to think on their feet and prepare a 5 minute speech to persuade the judge that their side has won the debate. “It offers an environment for students to develop argumentative and public speaking skills,” says Ethan J. (10)
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Finally, there’s Model United Nations (UN) debate, for all the politicians. This style of debating isn’t competitive. Instead, students take on roles of delegates, representing different countries, as they come together to discuss world issues and resolutions, creating a mock UN conference.“It involves students taking on the roles of politicians from different countries and then collaborating with other students to create resolutions, just as delegates do in the UN.”- Mr.Sarracini
“Students with strong interest in politics, policy-making and in matters of social awareness will find the debate club just what they’re looking for,” says Mr. Sarracini.