Meet your Reporter: Arthur Ng

Arthur Ng (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Hello dear reader! My name is Arthur Ng and I will be one of the many creative writers The Axiom has. I am currently in Grade 11 in the IB program. I am not one of those people who like to go outside very much. I am more so the type of person that prefers to stay at home.

Creative writing is something that I enjoy when I can make time for it, though not so much nowadays with the workload. I specialize in poetry and I am also a descriptive writer. Drawing and pottery are both things that I like as well.

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There are two or three main reasons that I wanted to join the school newspaper. The first being that I need CAS hours, the second because one of the reporters is my friend and they want me to be with them. The third reason is the people that I show some of my poems to. They keep on telling me that I should post them or publish them, and the school newspaper seems to be the perfect place to meet all three requirements, along with me being generally curious about it.

Anyways I hope that whoever is reading will have a wonderful day, and also don’t forget to SMILE, because sometimes things must get much worse before it gets better! : )