
Rachel Yan (9) | STAFF REPORTER

“Hey Arnold,” Jim, the pharmacist, greeted him. “Back so soon?”

Arnold forced a casual tone. “Doc’s been prescribing more lately.”

Jim’s expression was sympathetic. “You holding up alright?” 

“Yep, all good,” Arnold forced himself to smile. He slid his prescription sheet across the counter. 

Jim prepared the equipment and fluids as Arnold laid down on the patient’s chair. 

MemoryCraft puts the mind under a dream state. While in that state, a memory would be recalled, with the user completely unaware that it was one. All the senses are stimulated accordingly, and the right mixture of smells and sounds go a long way in convincing the mind. MemoryCraft was used for recreational purposes as well as grief counseling.

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Arnold was here for the second reason. 

Eight-year-old Arnold raced between the trees. The ground was strewn with golden leaves that crackled.

“Arnie, where are you?” his mother’s voice sang out teasingly. “I’ll find you!” Her footsteps grew closer. 

Shrieking in laughter, he tried to run. His mother wrapped her arms around him and they laughed as they rolled around on the leaves, basking in autumn’s warm embrace…

Arnold walked slowly as he left the Dreamcentre. There was always that sting of loss as he readjusted to his reality.  He pondered whether it was time to stop. He could only go so often before drawing suspicion.

But dammit, he just needed to see her, feel her, believe that he really was with her.

‘Just one more time, and I’ll stop,’ he thought. 

The slip of prescription paper fell out of his pocket, soaking in a puddle. Even wet, the forged doctor’s signature, prescription, and memory data was legible.