
Rachel Yan (9) | STAFF REPORTER

“You don’t need to know anything about his job,” Hawk grumbled. “You shouldn’t know.”

“But he’s never let me inside!” Helen complained. “I’m his daughter. I know hunting monsters is dangerous, but what harm can one look do? Doesn’t he trust me?”

She turned and headed down the stairs. Hawk spread its wings, leaping off the banister and meeting her at the bottom. It sighed, “But-”

“How do you get into his office?” 

It growled. “Key is in Ellen’s mouth.”

Helen whistled. Glowing green eyes bobbed in the dark as Ellen, their hellhound, trotted up to them. Her spindly legs clicked. Helen rubbed Ellen’s feelers as she reached into her mouth and felt cool metal at the back of her throat. 

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She grasped the brass seal and pressed it to the indents on the office door. The runes glowed red, then faded. Helen stepped inside. 

Hawk scanned the files on the bureau. “Wow! He’s been assigned a manticore target. Must’ve gotten a promotion. That’s for high-salary hunters.”

Helen spotted the door in the corner. “What’s this?”

It dropped the papers. “That might be dangerous. Step back!”

Helen reached for the handle, gasping as her hand stuck to it. A silver vine slithered out of the keyhole and wrapped around her wrist, a flower blooming at the tip. Its pronged stigma pricked her hand, drawing blood. The flower then unwrapped itself, sliding back into the lock. 

Hawk grabbed her just as the door flew open. Light blazed into the room. 

On the other side…were monsters. They were beautiful. Blue hair, opalescent wings, pronged horns. Eyes like shards of fractured stars. Looking into them, she felt as though she was falling, tumbling into the abyss. She couldn’t back away. Helen could only watch as the monsters reached for them…