“Myles” away from his team

Angelo Wong (12) STAFF REPORTER

Seconds in the melee between Garrett (Orange Helmet) and Rudolph (Helmetless) with Right Guard DeCastro (Left) holding Garrett back

A suspension on Cleveland’s defensive end, Myles Garrett, was placed after the game on November 14th for the rest of the season due to Garrett’s actions. Alongside Garrett’s suspension, Maurkice Pouncey and Larry Ogunjobi for a couple of games.

Garrett’s suspension was due to an unnecessary strike with a helmet towards the opposing team’s quarterback, Mason Rudolph, during the winding seconds. His coaches acknowledged that it was unnecessary and unlike him to do a ruthless thing. The play that started all of this began with Garrett cleanly hitting Rudolph milliseconds after the ball was thrown. Rudolph, visibly angry, started punching Garrett. This pushed Garrett to defend himself but he ripped off Rudolph’s helmet and struck him with it. His offensive linemen rushed over to push Garrett off of him. After the game, Garrett did apologize for his actions saying “I made a terrible mistake.” and Rudolph apologized as well but faces no consequences. Their next meeting is on December 1st but this time, Garrett will not be participating but it will make for a great rivalry game to seek revenge.