Rose Sharifi (12) – STAFF REPORTER
During the 2018 US Open final, Serena Williams, a widely known tennis star, sparked controversy regarding the match she had with Naomi Osaka.
St. Robert CHS Student News
Rose Sharifi (12) – STAFF REPORTER
During the 2018 US Open final, Serena Williams, a widely known tennis star, sparked controversy regarding the match she had with Naomi Osaka.
Doris Hua(9)|Staff Reporter
On Wednesday, September 12, 2018, the student leaders at St. Robert held the annual Club and Council Fair in the cafeteria after school, introducing the new students to the clubs and councils that make up the St. Robert community.
Howdy y’all! My name is Christian Park and I hope you’re happy to know that I will be a writer for our school’s newspaper, The Axiom.
Hi! My name is Eric Dong, I am honored to say that I will be one of your reporters for our very own, student-run, Axiom Newspaper.
Greetings! My name is Lillian Mo, and I am incredibly excited to begin reporting on school events throughout the course of this year. I am in grade 9. My friends often find me incredibly loquacious, which is why I believe a platform like the Axiom would be the perfect place for me to connect my mind to pen and paper (or rather keyboard).
Hi, my name is Kenley Ho and I am a grade 12 student at St. Robert CHS. This is my first year as a reporter in the Axiom and I am thrilled to be part of the creative writing department.
Hey St. Robs! My name is Dasarathy Mutharasan and in addition to holding one of the longest names in the school, I have the opportunity to be able to write for our beloved school newspaper, The Axiom, this year!
Hey St. Robs! My name is Connie Hao and I am excited to be apart of The Axiom as an entertainment reporter for the 2018-2019 school year. This is my first time being a part of the newspaper and I look forward to the upcoming experiences.
Hello Rams Nation! My name is Angela Teoderascu and I am a writer for the entertainment column for the 2018-2019 school year. I am a grade 9 in the pre-IB program and I am so excited to be a part of The Axiom this year.
My name is Andrew Ganni, and I’m a grade 12 student reporter here at St. Robert CHS for sports and athletic events in the school. This is my first year as a newspaper reporter, and I am excited to join the Axiom Team.