Female Hockey Players Prove Their Value

Kelsie Koelzer                                              Sarah Nurse

Women rights, gender equality, and feminism are all different terms to say women need to have a say in society ;the female national hockey team is proving just that.
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In June, 2016, Kelsie Koelzer from Princeton hockey team was selected to join National Women’s Hockey League. She is the first Native-American to be taken No. 1 by a top-tier North American professional hockey league. Following her success, Sarah Nurse, also a minority race, joined the second round into the national team. Despite the girls’ success, they had been through some tough times. read more

Gaga for Gaga!

Super Bowl LI brought in a thrilling 172 MILLION views, having witnessed the biggest comeback in Superbowl History. The New England Patriots had a surprising but well fought win . But, that wasn’t the only news making headlines. Lady Gaga went all out and certainly impressed in her first, and hopefully not last halftime appearance, making it second-most viewed halftime show  behind  Katy Perry’s performance in 2015.

Lady Gaga wowed the crowd through her death-defying acrobatics and amazing dance skills. She started off with the controversial “God Bless America”, which has been sung in many protests against President Donald Trump, before launching into a series of her greatest hits, including :

Poker Face
Born this Way
Just Dance
Bad Romance
Million Reasons

And of course, in total Gaga fashion, she brought light to the latest controversies surrounding President Trump by changing the lyrics to her hit “Born This Way” to promote inclusivity! 

Twitter went WILD during and after Gaga’s performance, some even calling it the best Super Bowl performance we have seen in a while! Many celebrities were quick to show their awe at Lady Gaga for her performance, including two-time performer Bruno Mars, who tweeted “@ladygaga you killed that!!!!” Lady Gaga went above and beyond during her performance and her final mike drop was only fitting for a mesmerizing concert and an astounding game! Whoever performs next year is going to have trouble trying to top this year’s performance!  

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Poland Vs. Russia: What Really Happened in 2010?

Back in 2010, there were reports of the death of the Polish President’s death by a plane crash in Russia. The incident was, according to Polish Persecutors, ‘ Was caused by two Russian air traffic controllers and a third Russian official in the control tower and that through their contributions were what caused the accidents’. A bold claim on their part, however if not backed up by further investigation and analysis in 2017.

Russian President Vladimir Putin immediately rejected the claims; but unfortunately worsen the ties between Poland and Russia. Polish investigators mentioned ‘ they want to question the men and cannot reveal details about the evidence until it happens.’

According to news reporters, the disaster happened when the Polish crew tired to land in heavy fog in a rarely used airport in Russia. Unfortunately,the plane crashed on a tree during it’s approach to the runway and crashed.

Arts Week at STR


During the week of February 13th to February 17th, 2017, St.Robert Catholic high school held the annual Arts Week event. Thanks goes out to Arts Council for planning this spectacular week and introducing different strands of the arts, such as Photography and Music, to the students. read more