St. Robert’s Debaters Perform Exceedingly Well At the Pro-Con Tournament

By: Eirini Abadeer

St. Robert’s Debate Team won the pro-con tournament held at Brebeuf College on November 30th, 2016. Senior debaters and Novice debaters placed first, while the Junior debaters placed second. The debaters performed well in discussing and arguing the debate topic; be it resolved that there should be no permanent positions in the UN Security Council. read more

Celebrity Reactions to Trump’s big win!

On Tuesday November 8th, the world was left baffled after Donald Trump was declared the new president of the United States of America. Donald Trump’s win was one of the most dramatic and surprising comebacks in the history of the United States. Many celebrities  were quick to voice their displeasure on the turn in events, especially those who were #withher. read more

The Failure of this Year’s Remembrance Day Procedures

As a generation fortunate to have never experienced the trauma of war, and with our last connections of the world war fleeting; it is important to ensure students are receiving proper education regarding the millions of brave individuals who honourably served our country. Ontario is currently one of four Canadian provinces to not recognize Remembrance Day as a statutory holiday. I strongly agree with this position, as it ensures people cannot undermine the significant date due to personal convenience, and the proper education is provided for students prepared by education professionals. Or so I once believed. read more

St. Robert’s New Math Club

Do you want to improve your math skills? Do you want to learn math tips and tricks to use on your math tests? Do you just want to solve math problems for fun? Then the St. Robert Math club is for you. At the St. Rob’s math club, members can work on learning new math concepts and even practice for upcoming Waterloo math contests later this year. There are plenty of opportunities to improve your math marks and have fun while doing it. Oftentimes math is seen as a subject that is generally disliked. The oral jelly can be effective sildenafil online india in 15 minutes. These probiotics are easily available in the form of purchase viagra Tablets, soft tablets and jellies.The sildenafil citrate contained Kamagra enable men to get a rock hard erection within a few minutes of its consumption. The effect works discount levitra no rx well up to 6 hours. There is no permanent and forever cure for this issue as no pill or surgery can even generic viagra in usa have an impact of men s sexual disorder called erectile dysfunction. People shudder at the sight of math textbooks and dread math tests. However, that does not need to be the case. Math club allows you to learn how to have fun with math and enjoy tackling problems. The St. Robert Math Club meets Tuesdays after school.  Be sure to listen to announcements for more info. read more

Music to Our Ears – The St. Robert Chapel Choir

Lead by our very own Mr. Chan, the St. Robert Chapel Choir never fails to provide beautiful music for the variety of events celebrated as a school community.  From school masses to regular morning prayers, the enchanting voices of the choir members heighten the experience for all to enjoy. It is without doubt that the choir makes a great contribution to the spirit and excitement of communal celebrations.  With new members joining every school year, Mr. Chan and his truly gifted ensemble continue to innovate and find unique ways to add flare to ordinary performances. read more

St Robert’s Debaters Prep for the Upcoming Pro-Con tournament.


St Robert’s debate team members are heading to Brebeuf college on November 26th 2016 to present two arguments about the debate be it resolved that: There should be no permanent positions in the UN Security Council. In preparation, the debate team will be presenting mock debates. Debaters will be actively participating in this Pro-Con tournament in an attempt to qualify for championships. They have come for team meetings in order to construct strong arguments for both pros and cons to the resolutions, along with well thought out lines of questions and cross examinations. Debates are held at room 219 every Wednesday, however, the schedule changes the week before the debate in preparation. One day of each week is set aside so that all debaters from all levels can present and practice in a mock debate before the competition. It is optional for other debaters to come the day they are not presenting, to offer comments and advice and to learn to improve themselves.  Every debate win is attained with a full team effort.
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The St. Robert’s Debate Team has been working very hard and performed well consistently with the help and support from everyone. The St. Robert Debate Team is about accepting opinions and stating perspectives. Senior Debater Armon Shahnavazy stated, “I feel very much accepted and at home being in Debate Club as we are a tight knit group. It’s like a family”. Other students on the team have also mentioned how they are grateful to have the opportunity to work with people who have similar passions. These debaters have shown commitment and passion for their work. Debate allows students to have a voice and gain confidence within themselves in standing for what they believe, and to discuss topics they find interesting or support. Senior debater Jessie Chung commented that, “Joining debate was the best decision [she] made in high school.  Not only has debate allowed [her] to develop [her] public speaking and critical thinking skills, but it also encourages [her] to stay well-read on current issues.” St Robert’s Debate Team has not only brought pride to the school, but to themselves as well. read more