Social Justice Attends ‘WE Day 2016’

On Monday October 19th, youth from all across the GTA had the opportunity to attend the truly unforgettable experience of WE Day 2016. With the Air Canada Centre sold out, the youth were able to enjoy the performances of many famous artists and celebrities like Zendaya, Lily Singh, Hedley, Winnie Harlow, and Chris Hadfield. The primary focus of the event was to inform the youth about the many injustices occurring in our world such as poverty and violence, and inspire them to be leaders of social change. read more

Things to do this Halloween 2016

By: Donna Lee

The leaves are changing colours, and pumpkin spice lattes are back. With projects, tests, and assignments, it’s hard to schedule the fun of fall in and find the perfect activity that would be suitable for everyone.  Do you know what you want to do, or where your friends want to go? Are you still wondering whether you’re young enough to even enjoy Halloween? Well,  yes you are!  Hopefully I’ll make your job a little easier and tell you all the fun activities that fall has to offer. read more

University Exit Exam

Many people have said “who cares about your marks in university? They only look at the certificate anyway!” However, even if employers are able to see the marks, they may not be accurate representations of students’ ability. Every university has different difficulty expectations so some universities have begun to add a new exam that is written before entering university and after you graduate. This is a great way for both employers and yourself to know how much you’ve learned after 4 years of “work hard play hard.” This is one of the most direct ways of telling your possible future employer that you are fit for the job and that you have what it takes for the job. Most men, these days, have problem keeping or maintaining erections needed for agreeable physical intimacy. viagra pill uk In case of ED there are different male enhancement products that can cure different issues related to menstruation and cheap cialis canada reproductive health for men who have stress related erectile problems. Menoplay 20mg levitra canada combines extracts equivalent to Wild Yam, Black Cohosh, and others to reduce menopause signs and symptoms. There are many ways someone can learn to drive a vehicle or perform any heavy duty tasks.One should tell their doctor about the state of health of their heart and get it generic viagra uk examined. Since it is a standardized exam, there will be no difficulty inequality. So take this as an opportunity to show your employers that they need you! read more

Shanah Tovah from Prism Interfaith!

By: Simon Minich

The St. Robert Prism Interfaith Club is proud to have celebrated the coming of the Jewish New Year. On Sunday, October 2nd, 2016, members of the Jewish faith from all over the world took part in the celebrations and festivities that are renowned to the two-day festival of Rosh Hashanah. To celebrate the final day of the event, the Prism Interfaith Club organized a display that highlighted the many key events of the holiday.
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A variety of Jewish symbols and sacred items decorated the student-led display. Students had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the Jewish faith and Rosh Hashanah itself. They even had the unique opportunity to blow into the Shofar, a ram’s horn which symbolizes the loyalty of Abraham to God in the Jewish faith. Students were further drawn into the Jewish experience as they dipped apple slices into honey, as most Jewish people do around the world at this time of year. The St. Robert Interfaith Club is proud to continue educating the community about the variety of religions that exist in our world. ​ read more

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

The second debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was a very intense discussion  to watch. But if one pays attention to their conversation, they can find some errors in their methods and strategies for debate. Most of the time Trump was avoiding, dodging questions and changing subjects, mostly related to ISIS and talking badly about Hillary. He would get defensive that the questioners wanted to move on and kept reminding him that his time was over. Another thing is that he would not even let Clinton finish what she had to say. read more

United Book Nerds Read “The Girl on the Train”

By: Eirini Abadeer

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