Make St. Robert Green Again!

By: Mary Xu

St. Robert’s very own environmental club is already well on its way to another great school year filled with a variety of green initiatives. The environmental club meets every Tuesday after school and everyone is welcome to attend.  During meetings many ideas are discussed in regards to how the school can be more environmentally friendly, and how our school community can work together to achieve this. read more

The Axiom Wins Big

Say hello to your award-winning student newspaper, second year in the running. Nicolas M. and photography editor, Nancy Z., swept the photography section of the Toronto Star High School Newspaper Awards last Thursday, May 26, 2016. Together, they bagged both the first place and second place photography awards. Congratulations to Nicolas for receiving the first place award and to Nancy for getting runner-up! read more

Ode to Mother Earth

This year, St. Robert’s Environmental Club promoted environmental sustainability by hosting various activities during Earth Week, April 18-22. Activities such as the YCDSB Rock the Bike, GO GREEN Water Bottle Art, a Lights Out campaign, and a school grounds ‘clean-up’ session which yielded 82kg. of garbage was participated by all students around the school.  read more

Addressing and Closing the Canadian Pay Gap

It has been 98 years since Canadian women were first given the opportunity to vote in a federal election, 31 years since the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guaranteed sexual equality under federal law, and 29 years since the Ontario government passed the Pay Equality Act (a provincial government statue to enforce wage equality for females). Evidently, thanks to many great men and women who have come before us and fought for equality, women’s rights and standing in society have drastically progressed. read more

Is Winter truly gone for good?

From snow to sunshine, Toronto has seen very drastic weather this April.  April is typically a month where we expect to see the beautiful, shining sun or adorable birds flying around. However, what we actually saw this month was snow. According to the CBC, Toronto received more snow in April than any other Winter month. This is the type of weather that we enjoy with a nice cup of hot chocolate, a dozen blankets, and the hope for snow days.  Although this sounds extremely appealing, it is also extremely inefficient. No one is prepared for such drastic change in weather, especially with the hats, boots, and jackets recently tucked away for spring.  Also, there is a high chance of slipping on ice or just getting snow in your running shoes. read more

Boston Bound!

Senior band is well underway into the second semester and with just a few months until the school year ends; they’re making the most of their time! With all the time and effort they’ve put into practicing and performing at the Christmas concert, OBA and Music Alive, their journey still continues. The spring concert is just up ahead. Come out to show your support and enjoy a night of this school’s musical talent. This is why it’s important viagra online from canada not to just settle for any urologist in Des Moines. Insomnia or order cialis online too much sleeping 10. Penile Injections: Alike oral medicine, these are active ingredients directly injected in the side of sildenafil 50mg price the reproductive organ to facilitate blood flow. Ayurvedic texts eulogize the uses of ripe mango increases tadalafil in canada look at here now hemoglobin in blood and is very useful in treating sexual disorders. In addition to these events, this year senior band is very fortunate to be able to go on a trip to Boston! They’ll have the opportunity to perform and go sight seeing … what a once in a lifetime opportunity! Even though many of the students in senior band are saying their farewell to their time at St. Robert’s, they definitely have made their mark in senior band with their incredible talent and dedication. read more


The Oscars rolled out on February 22nd and turned out to be a smashing success. Sure there were some awkward moments ( cough. . . Stacey Dash . . . cough) but who could imagine that Leonardo Dicaprio  would FINALLY win an Oscar! Other than Leo’s big win, the red carpet was one of the highlights of the night. The actresses were out at full force in their beautiful gowns. Here are our favourites from that dazzling night. read more

The Women’s Empowerment Club

The Women’s Empowerment Club is the newest addition to the eclectic collection of clubs at St. Robert. Its mission is to challenge the traditional view of women in society and to promote female empowerment. These weaker body phases may demand a prohibition from the higher buying sildenafil online drug dosages and need to handle it. Democracy should allow people, all across the globe, to develop a solid prescription viagra uk knowledge of the policies and histories of Africa and Africa itself. As the science fiction writer Arthur viagra uk purchase C. This is why women who ache from HSDD acquisition cialis professional for sale means to access changeable libido. Ranging from gender equality to women’s rights, their mindset is to create a balanced society in which men and women are equal. read more