Starbucks Red Cup Debate

Starting early in November, stores transformed into holiday spectaculars. Trees appear decorated in many glitters and colours, Michael Bublè was heard almost everywhere,  and an enchanted winter throne was set up in every mall awaiting Santa Claus. Communities and businesses show their holiday spirit by adopting holiday decorations and playing Christmas music. However, in today’s continuously growing secular society, should businesses continue to promote the holidays? read more

WHAT DO YOU MEAN you haven’t heard the Biebs new album?

What do you mean you haven’t heard Justin Bieber’s new album?! I’m sorry but you should really give it a listen.  Mark my words you won’t regret it.  EVERYBODY has been talking about Justin Bieber’s new album “purpose”.  The incredible come-back by the teen heart-throb, Justin Bieber was like no other and left many people that were once just “regular” people are now known as Belieber’s. YES! read more