Not a Better Love Story than Twilight

Chances are if you’re a living, conscious teenager, you’re familiar with the hit CW television series The Vampire Diaries. The show revolves around a teenage girl wedged in a love triangle (as in most YA fictional media) who is doomed to the perpetual dilemma of choosing between her two love interests. As always, the two boys who vie for her affection provide stark contrast to each other, with the compassionate, sensitive younger brother and the cold-hearted “bad boy” who unintentionally captures her eye. read more


Erectile dysfunction can be in three forms like tablets, soft tabs and jellies that work within a different time span. online cialis australia The exact position of this two click that online cialis canada inch bi- lobed gland is just below the larynx or the voice box. One reputable company to buy levitra canada research is . A person is expected to drink lots viagra generika online of water while taking the medicine Take a tablet 30-45 minutes before indulging in sexual activity. read more

Junior Boys Volleyball Action 2-for-1 Special!

On October 28, the St. Robert Junior Boys Volleyball team had to face off against not 1, but 2 teams – the Sacred Heart Crusaders and the Middleton Hawks. They started off the night against the Crusaders, taking the lead right from the beginning. Throughout the entire game, the Rams were relentless, never showing mercy and maintaining the lead. With a final score of 25-19, the Rams came out victorious from their first game against Sacred Heart. read more

Halloween at St. Robert

Students were treated with an eerie sight on Friday, October 31st as ghouls, monsters, and superheroes roamed the halls of St. Robert. Creatures of the night haunted every classroom and ordinary students walked around dressed in fantastic costumes for just one day. Students and teachers of St. Robert transformed into different beings, wearing an exciting array of different costumes, ready to display true Halloween spirit. read more

Sign Language Club: The Club That Will Leave You Speechless

Wouldn’t you like to be able to communicate with only your gestures?  Learn another language?  Or have secret conversations with your friends and not even make a sound?  Then, American Sign Language (ASL) club is the club for you.  At St.Robert, there is a sign language club to teach you signs, play games, and learn new things. Sign language gives people with hearing disabilities a creative and innovative way to communicate.  Like any other spoken languages, ASL is a natural language with complex structures and rules. read more

2014-2015 DECA

Established in 1946, DECA is a worldwide organization that provides key skills to individuals to prepare them for the business world. Over the past 60 years, they have had a major influence on over 10 million students, teachers and business administrators. This organization allows one to develop skills with respect to public speaking and the ability to think quickly and formulate effective presentations. St. Robert has been fortunate to have this well-known organization established here. read more