Ruin Incarnate Wears Ribbons in her Hair

Elizabeth Rossi (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Francis couldn’t remember the last time she’d lived; truly and most unapologetically lived. It didn’t feel real, her days more empirical than whole experiences themselves. One more day simmered beneath the scorch of her own hatred. One more night of deserving nothing short of the next day. Her good eye, hazel unlike the dulled grey of her left, tracked the alcohol’s curl within the small glass in her gloved hand. She never liked drinking; didn’t do much except hurt her head but the burn of it was grounding. The straw-haired girl pressed the rim to her lips chewed with cuts and the past’s brandings, downing the sharp liquid at a paced rate. read more

Student Jobs: Worth It or Not

Parnian Esmaeilishayeh (12) | STAFF REPORTER

In 2024, on average, 57.2% of youth aged 15 to 24 in Canada were employed (Spiteri and Adkins). This creates a concern about whether students having part-time jobs is beneficial or distracting. Part-time jobs bring a lot of new challenges, responsibilities, and stress. However, they also come with many benefits that outweigh the cons. Having a part-time job allows students to learn about the real world, network, and earn money.  read more

Video Games: Are They Beneficial for Children?

Angela Xiao (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Video games have been present in our lives since their appearance in 1958, and continue to evolve in the modern day. With new technological advancements, video games have come a long way, from having simple designs to becoming complex yet compelling sources of entertainment. However, rather than being a source of relaxation, we start to see the negative impact video games have on the younger generation. Addiction, exposure to negative media, and health concerns are some of the many reasons that lead me to believe that video games are indeed becoming a detriment to children. read more

Your Experience Does Not Matter; The Absurdity of Degree Inflation

Emily Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Imagine you’re a student looking for a summer job, and you confidently send in your application to a local bar, a car wash, and a fast food restaurant. A few days later, you receive an email from the bar saying that a bachelor’s degree is needed for the role and you think to yourself, “That’s unusual…”. The next day, you get the same response from the car wash and the fast food restaurant, and it’s feeling like university rejections all over again.  read more

Choosing a Career Path: How Reason Overrules Passion

Serena Ahmad (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Passion drives us to work towards something because we feel strongly about it. Reason doesn’t influence us in the same way as it’s based on rationality rather than feelings. When determining what career path to follow, it’s easy for us to fluctuate between relying on these two concepts. However, while passion is inspiring, reason follows a more strategic plan that ensures success. read more

Chapter 2 Complete: STR at DECA Provincials

Aaliyah Zhou (9) | Staff Reporter

From February 7 to February 8, STR students spent the night at the Toronto Sheraton to compete in the DECA provincials competition. After months of preparation for exams, roleplays, and presentations, their hard work was met with success, as the school team secured a total of 134 medals. Among these students are 38 qualifiers for the International Career Development Conference (ICDC), which will be held in Orlando, Florida, from April 26 to April 29. In 2024, St. Robert CHS had a record-breaking year at ICDC with 67 awards, 24 finalists, 19 top 10 medals, and 6 1st place glass winners. read more

An Event You Can’t Dodge! Dodgeball Intramurals

Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Want a chance to whack your friends in the head with a dodgeball and no repercussions? Look no further! Our Student Athletic Council is holding our annual dodgeball intramurals with sign ups on Valentines day! A tournament consisting of multiple teams competing to be this year’s dodgeball intramural champions! The best part of all, you get to make your own teams, so grab your buddies and head on over. However there are a few things to keep in mind, each squad has a total of seven players, and must consist of a minimum of two boys and two girls. Each team member must also sign a permission form, which you can find on the SAC board in front of the large gym. Once again, registration takes place on Valentines day, which is friday, february the 14th, make sure to make your way to the front foyer by 8:00 am. Each team must designate a team captain, who will hand in the permission forms, as well as $2 for each participant. There are limited spaces, so ensure you arrive on time, as the vacancies are first come first serve. Once you have secured a spot, look out for posts on the SAC instagram @strobertsac, as they will post the game schedules. The matches will take place in the large gym after school from 3 to 5 pm, with the date to be further determined. That is all for today, good luck dodging, or maybe hurling dodgeballs at your friends. read more