Trevor Wu (11) | STAFF REPORTER
Want a chance to whack your friends in the head with a dodgeball and no repercussions? Look no further! Our Student Athletic Council is holding our annual dodgeball intramurals with sign ups on Valentines day! A tournament consisting of multiple teams competing to be this year’s dodgeball intramural champions! The best part of all, you get to make your own teams, so grab your buddies and head on over. However there are a few things to keep in mind, each squad has a total of seven players, and must consist of a minimum of two boys and two girls. Each team member must also sign a permission form, which you can find on the SAC board in front of the large gym. Once again, registration takes place on Valentines day, which is friday, february the 14th, make sure to make your way to the front foyer by 8:00 am. Each team must designate a team captain, who will hand in the permission forms, as well as $2 for each participant. There are limited spaces, so ensure you arrive on time, as the vacancies are first come first serve. Once you have secured a spot, look out for posts on the SAC instagram @strobertsac, as they will post the game schedules. The matches will take place in the large gym after school from 3 to 5 pm, with the date to be further determined. That is all for today, good luck dodging, or maybe hurling dodgeballs at your friends. read more