The Endless Cycle: Why Youth Poverty Persists


With over 1.2 billion children and 500 million youth (ages 15-24) living below the poverty line worldwide, child and youth poverty remains a deeply troubling issue in society. Even in developed countries, far too many children struggle with homelessness and food insecurity. Governments and global organizations make grand promises to address these problems, yet reality is clearly displayed: there is not enough change. read more

How the Arts are Underfunded in Public Schools

Emily Yang (10) | STAFF REPORTER

The arts: fluid, dynamic and vivid. Not only is this discipline crucial to an individual’s emotional and creative expression, but it also serves as a defining feature in understanding Canadian history and its culture. Unfortunately, due to underfunding, this opportunity is often forsaken in many public school environments, especially in rural communities.  read more

The Exploitation of AI Leans Towards a Degrading Society

Serena Ahmad (9) | STAFF REPORTER

The use of artificial intelligence has increased exponentially within the past years, with society becoming overly dependent on it because of its accessibility. Whether it be using AI for help with assignments, writing emails or everyday struggles, it has started to become a reliable source for quick answers. However, the increased use of AI is harming the world more than it is benefiting it. read more

The Perfect Time For A Phone

Angela Xiao (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Times have changed, and with technology advancing faster than we’ve ever imagined, it’s certainly no surprise that phones have become a crucial part of many lives. With the rapid integration of technology, we see a rise of children using phones from ages as young as 7 years old! However, I strongly believe that you should obtain a phone at 14-15 years old, during the beginning of your high school years. read more

The Importance of DEI

Christian Intendencia (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Why does DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) matter? Well, DEI initiatives cultivate an environment where diversity in all areas and aspects is celebrated. Everyone benefits from DEI initiatives, especially women and minority/underrepresented groups. Donald Trump’s abrupt abolishment of federal DEI initiatives has influenced several major corporations, such as Target, Amazon, and Meta, to eliminate their DEI initiatives. read more

Taylor Swift is a Capitalist Ploy; Parasocial Relationships in a Consumerist Society

Sarah Morra (12) | STAFF REPORTER

In a society where celebrities’ “personal lives” are openly shared, the masses are conditioned to feel as though they have an intimate relationship with these individuals. The normalization of parasocial relationships is a product of the extreme consumerism that engulfs society and now plagues our youth. They are not our friends: it is time to wake up.  read more

Through the Lily’s Eyes

Paria Shahir (9) | STAFF REPORTER

He was headed for downtown. 

As the old man stepped out of the bus, he placed his hat back on his head, adjusted his coat, and set off down the simmering pavement with his leather loafers. After a few minutes of walking through the overwhelming commotion of the streets, he arrived at the art store. He opened the door to chime the bell hung from the ceiling, and entered the dim shop redolent of wood and paint.  read more

Overconsumption is Consuming Our World

Serena Ahmad (9) | STAFF REPORTER

Purchasing excess amounts of unnecessary items has recently become a trend over the past year. As a result, excess clutter and waste from unused products accumulate. Social media has also played a large role in this trend by promoting these negligent actions and glamourising them. The normalization of this has continued to negatively impact us as a society due to our wasteful habits and lack of consideration for the environment. read more

One Way Or Another

Elizabeth Rossi (11) | STAFF REPORTER

Deadbolts, check. Door chains, check. Peephole covered, check.

The buzz of a rerun Tuesday night sitcom filled the dank living room with a cyclical laugh track. In the dingy kitchen, painted by the acidic yellowed bulb of the ceiling light was a kettle upon the stove. The gaseous flames, indigo and abstract, licked wildly as they sparked beneath the griddle but hardly bathed the iron in heat, seemingly taking their time with the matter. Pinned against the decoloured wallpaper, its peels having curled forward from age, stood the grandfather clock, rigid and familiar. It’d been a week since the last incident when their security cameras had stopped working. Then the time before that, their garage doors had opened while they were away at work.  read more