Pink Shirt Day

Felicia Liu (10) | STAFF REPORTER

On Thursday November 21, the students of St. Robert CHS came to school wearing pink tops in order to stand against bullying.

Pink Shirt Day, or Anti-Bullying Day, originated in Canada when a high school boy was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. To support the boy, students and teachers of that school wore pink shirts as well. Since then, we wear a pink shirt once a year to stand up to bullies and to give encouragement to those who are being bullied.

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This event allowed students to come together as a whole, and raise awareness to issues within and outside of school. Lisa Noronha (10) commented that “We, as a school community, can stand against bullying together and realize its effects, and how hard it is for the people who are going through it. St. Robert is very lucky to have such a welcoming community.”

Events such as Pink Shirt Day reminds us to be kind and to create a positive environment. So let’s all work together to make our school an even better place.

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