Puppet Souls

Rachel Yan (10) | STAFF REPORTER

Logan and Keig stood on a beach of finely ground black glass shards. The beach gave way to a sea of darkened gasoline that stretched all the way to the horizon, where the black ocean met an acrid red sky. 

“What are we looking for?” Keig asked. Beads of slick black oil trickled over his scales as he stepped. 

“How about a girl this time?” Logan suggested. “And maybe a green dress, if we can find one.” 

Scraps of debris floated on the surface of the glistening black waves. The debris was composed of human souls, as well as objects and belongings that had fallen in with those souls. 

Logan cast a shimmering net of delicate gold threads into the waves. A soul with long blonde hair drifted by, entangling in the net. Like all human souls, she did not resemble a regular human body, but rather looked like a ragdoll of pale white cloth stitched together. 

The girl struggled to untangle herself. Keig lifted her out of the net. “Do we keep her, or do we need another one for the collection?” 

“What are you?” The girl yelled. “Let me go!” 

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“We have enough servants at home,” Logan mused. “We need more puppets.” 

The girl flailed her arms. “Wait! What are you doing?” 

Keig reached two claws into her mouth, taking hold firmly. With a swift yank, he pulled the cloth out of her mouth. Her voice died away as he flipped her soul inside out.

A small sphere of golden light floated from the doll’s mouth and slowly faded away. 

What was left in Keig’s arms was a limp, deflated-looking doll. Logan gave it an appraising look. “It’s the right size for the puppet. We’ll find the green dress and the other props tomorrow.”    

“I can’t wait for the next puppet show,” Keig said. “We’ve decided on which puppets we’re using, right?” 

“Yeah. I hope Lucilla’s going to come see it.” The two creatures made their way across the beach.