Richard Yuan (12) | STAFF REPORTER
In season 10 of League of Legends, Riot’s lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has highlighted some ideas for patch 10.4.
Scruffy discovered that the jungling position is the least preferred position for lower ranked players, they think that jungling is a useless position. The complexity of the jungle position often confuses beginners and low elo players, resulting in the position’s popularity to be dramatically lower than laning positions. Although Riot is planning to apply some changes to the jungle to increase its appeal, Scruffy stated that some laning champions are getting buffed to fit in the jungle. Champions include: Garen, Diana, Zed, Talon, and Darius. Riot developers hope that increasing the jungle champion pool will encourage players to play the position more.
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Many players would be curious to see how laning champions perform outside of their normal role. A big dominance in the jungle, especially after its troubled season 10 start, may be problematic for the patch. The jungle changes will be tested on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) before hitting live servers.