School Events- The Sea of Green And White

Dane Recaido (9) | STAFF REPORTER

It was a buzz of excitement and nervousness on September 3, when millions of students in Canada stepped foot into school to start the new school year. Many are coming back, but for those new grade nines, fresh out of elementary school, it was a whole new experience for all of us. So, on the morning of September 3 at St. Robs, it was a sea of green sweaters and white shirts, all at the front foyer looking for their names and homerooms on sheets of papers. 

When the warning bell rang, it was a surprise to all of us when the “Mission Impossible” theme song was played and that was when class officiality started. In period one, we all got our schedules, a map of the school, and our locks. The bell rang and soon it was second period, where we learned how to open our locks and find our lockers. In my class, we also got a tour around the school and pick up a few ways to get around the school faster. 

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Eventually, Lunch A came around, and it was the lunch we all had together that day. We got a free lunch, which consisted of a chicken burger, cookie, and water. Personally, my last two periods were just looking through the school agenda and learning about my courses’ criteria.

Grade nine orientation provided all of us grade nines, with enriching knowledge and overall a fun time. “It was an amazing experience that taught us what an amazing opportunity it is to be a student at St. Robs, and made us feel very welcome and very at home”, said Emma Pasandideh, a grade nine student. All in all, Orientation Day was a very excellent way to make us feel comfortable as we began our journey to high school.