The Autumn Blues

Jin Schofield (9) – STAFF REPORTER

One can walk among the fallen, crumbling leaves that coat the ground during a regular autumn day and think only of death. Anticipation for a long, deathly winter. You can see this all-encompassing loss of hope not only in the decaying leaves of bare trees but in the animals, even in the weather – everyone seems to be giving up and giving in. Animals begin digging burrows to hide within, escaping the ruthless cold. The blissful visits of daytime grow shorter and shorter. During these autumn months, the sun gradually decides to retire early, leaving the night to arrive for its prey far too soon. There seems to be no motivation in the world – we have lived our lives and there is now nothing but cold and emptiness left in the summer’s wake.

However, I think about autumn differently. Very differently.

Fall is the time when school doors open and millions of children across the continent return to school. Friends reunite, our brains are inspired and challenged, and the world is set back in motion. Fall is the time when life begins again – when every child returns to educate themselves and ensure themselves victory over the temptation of ignorance. Fall is the return of persistence, curiosity, hard work – everything that sets humanity apart from nature. During fall, nature decides to give in. But we decide to rise.
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Ultimately, the arrival of the autumn means different things to everyone – but to me, it means life.


Featured Image (“Couleurs automnalesavenue Raphaël à Paris“) : Valerii Tkachenko

Additional Image (“Cincinnati – Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum “Autumn Reflection””) : David Ohmer