The Big Bad Couch

Maggie Aghababyan (9) – STAFF REPORTER

The eerie night almost felt sickening. The only source of light to be seen as coming from the dim street light that flickered from across the road. I knew I shouldn’t have been so scared, I had walked down this street hundreds of times, but why did this feel so… odd?

It could’ve been from the thick atmosphere, the two hours of sleep I was running on, or the fact that I was alone in the middle of the night; which was rather weird as I lived in a fairly large city. The typically polluted air smelt fresh and crisp, almost as if I was in the countryside, almost as if I was somewhere entirely different. I continued walking despite my constant fear of every corner, wondering if someone would show up with a knife and ruthlessly murder me. Nevertheless, I conquered my fear and kept my stride, moving on to my apartment that was so dreadfully far away from my current whereabouts.

The only thing I could hear for miles was the old tethered rubber on the heel of my shoes scratching against the hard concrete floor. There wasn’t a single person in sight. No beggars, no solicitors, no one trying to get you to join their organization, no one. Ever so swiftly, I dashed the remaining half kilometer to the grand glass doors of my shabby apartment complex. I made a run for the closest set of stairs around since this was one of the oldest buildings in the city and there wasn’t an elevator. Quickly, practically sprinting up the large set of cement stairs, I was desperate to slip into the comfort that was my bed. Practically panting, I reach for the keys in my pocket and hastily opened the door.

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I pulled up a loose floorboard to show heaps of rotting bodies and insects crawling all over. I threw in the torso, sighing disappointedly, sitting next to my now also decaying friend. His jaw was halfway off and his organs spilling out from his button-up shirt. “These are the fourth and fifth ones this month! I need to find a way to make them last longer… I think this time… I haven’t hunted in the airport since August… that’s almost three months ago…”


Based on the real-life serial killer, Dennis Nilsen.