The Bird in the Mirror

Rachel Yan (10)| STAFF REPORTER

The governor paced across his office. He had just done an interview as part of his campaign to upgrade the district’s electrical sector. When asked about reasons for this redesign, what could he do, but spout the usual lines about supporting the environment? 

He looked down at the diagram on his desk. It was a map of the wind turbines scheduled to be constructed – if he could get the project approved. His plan was for the wind turbines to be built in a line around the town. Apparently this was not the most efficient formation. But nobody knew that it had to be this shape. 

The governor looked at the ornate silver mirror on his wall. Though no one could see it, there was a shadowy bird traced out in smoke on its surface. He knew that it couldn’t be changing quickly enough for him to be able to notice, but the figure seemed to get closer each day. 

The governor stared at the depiction of the otherworldly creature. It was just one of the many creatures laying in the abyss, currently unable to take corporeal form on earth. With every day, they came closer to breaking through into this dimension and being set loose upon the world. 

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The bird was approaching faster. Its eyes were almost visible now. There was possibly a year left, or two, until the inevitable apocalypse. 

The governor looked at his map again. The line of wind turbines would form a ring, tracing out the shape of a rune. He and some other mages could cast their enchantment on them, and set up a protective shield around the town. 

There was no way to warn the world. They could only save as many people as possible. Around the world, mages were getting ready to set up small safety zones. The governor had thought windmills would be easy to use for the spell. 

Also, wind turbines can kill birds, so perhaps they would do something against those avian creatures.