The Circus of 1800s :The Greatest Showman

Natalie Chiu (10) STAFF REPORTER

The Greatest Showman

The Greatest Showman, released on December 20, 2017, starred Hugh Jackman playing the role of the penniless, struggling to find financial support. P.T Barnum desperately hunts for a fast solution to his growing dilemma, which just so happens to come in the shape of an ambition to start a circus consisting of peculiar people.

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Other critics like Rendy Jones advised many to ‘turn off your brain’ as he called it, and just ‘enjoy the show’.

For those with little background knowledge of the real P.T Barnum, ‘The Greatest Showman’ is simply a fascinating film filled with otherworldly and unreal acts, laced with the bitter realism of prejudice and ignorance.