The Clown Statue

Jessica Ng (11) – STAFF REPORTER

There once was a teenage girl babysitting for an affluent family. It was a stormy and dark evening as the rain and strong winds bashed against the windows. In this large and spacious house, there were many ancient artifacts, paintings, sculptures, and statues. As the parents were going out the night, the father instructed that the babysitter put his two children to bed and that she could watch TV in the basement. The teenager was not allowed to wander the house.

Once the children were asleep, the girl did as she was told and retired to the basement. Though she quite enjoyed sitting on the large couch as she watched her programs, the tall, life-sized clown statue in the corner was making her uncomfortable with its dark purple hair, large black eyes, and wide, red smile. It had a pale face and it wore black and white clothes with a hat to match its attire. Regardless of her dislike for clowns, there was something about this figure that made her extremely uncomfortable. The more she looked at the figure, the more it seemed to look as if it were truly staring at her. Though its eyes may have seemed dead and lifeless, his gaze would have given any individual a haunting vibe.

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Once the father picked up he said, “Listen very carefully. Our children have been complaining about a clown that comes into their room every night. We don’t own any clown statues. You need to get the kids out of the house this instant. I’ll call the police right away.”

The girl hangs up the phone and goes back to the seating area to look at the covered clown statue. However, when she got back, the blanket was on the ground! She hears steps coming down the basement stairs and sees the silhouette of a figure holding a knife.