The People’s Party; But for Which People?

Sarah Morra (11) | STAFF REPORTER

The People’s Party of canada, A former branch of the conservative party of Canada which claims to be a party who is for the people, a political representative of the needs of Canadians. However, this party proceeds to exclude group after group and express slanderous exclamations – which would make anyone of sound mind question, which people are they truly for? 

About a month ago marks the time that I attended a People’s Party Campaign event, out of curiosity. I sat and quietly observed their policy, ideas, and claims. Their leaders and representatives went on to detail their desire for the c-14 bill to be appealed, belief that covid-19 wasn’t as serious as it was made out to be and that the vaccine was dangerous and “poison,” and expressions strongly against immigration.

A key feature of this event was the exclusion of vital information and pieces of truth. In order to spin this information to fit the narrative they intended on portraying alongside the use of fear mongering and fire hosing. For example, they failed to explain that the bill c-14 was against conversion therapy and instead claimed that it stripped parents of their autonomy and parental rights. Or, how they would discourage Canada’s involvement in the global economy and foreign affairs through organisations like the United Nations or the WHO. 

Their platform was barren in the department of constructive policies that would actually help Canadians, whereas, they only made clear what they would stand against. They proudly stand against transgender and queer individuals, immigrants, women’s reproductive rights, the UN & WHO and more. What they do seem to stand for is firearms & violence, perpetuating the narrative of straight white individuals, the neglect of climatic issues and further pollution by the construction of more pipelines. 

Their method of campaigning involved various manipulation tactics to gain support and compliance of their crowd in order to slander competing political leaders, spread misinformation, and perpetuate antiquated ideologies that would undoubtedly harm many of Canada’s prominent minorities. 

Political populist organisations such as the PPC that exist to bash current political movements but offer nothing in exchange must be understood for what they are at face value. Furthermore, the people that they are referring to in their platform become apparently clear upon listening to their campaign. This is not an organisation for the people of Canada, it is one that stands against the sanctity of well being of anyone who does not fit into the categorical requisites of a eurocentric heteronormative society.

This article was written in April 2024.